Visting with Jayme
Hello again,
Last night I went and got my picture taken at a sign that says "Mile 0," It's a plaque for a person that ran across the country. I thought it was fitting for my trip. After that Darcy and I drove up to Parksville where she has a wedding to go to. Jayme met Darcy and I at Darcy's Aunt's, Auntie Linda. (It reminded me of Giselle and Ben.)

Jayme and I are now in Comox and have decided not to go surfing. I'm a little disappointed, but I think it's a good idea. We will try to go kayaking around here either tonight, or tomorrow. Right now we are just getting ready to go shopping after a hearty breakfast. Jayme's family is just as nice as I remember them.
The weather has been amazing here. Very hot, very sunny. Hopefully it's a sign for the whole summer.
I will update this post later when I have more to report. Later.
So, Jayme and I have been very lazy here. We went shopping and picked up some stuff that I need for my trip. All I need now is food.
We had a great dinner with her parents and then went for drinks with her friend Brian. It was good times.

Foos? 12?
Hey Ryan. I saved your e-mail from my junk mail folder, but I told my e-mail provider that you're cool so no future e-mails should get canned.
Pretty crazy to know that you are already at Mile Zero and soon will be ready to go all the way to the other side. Slap on the A535 and your legs should still be attached by the end of your trip. Sorry about the minidisc player, that really sucks, I hope things are turning around though.
You are doing a good job at not making your entries too lengthy I was able to read your page within 5 minutes which isn't something I can say about my other friend's blogs.
Anyhow, we're thinking about you and rooting for you. We look forward to your future posts and saved this link as a favourite.
T C & O
BTW: Can I share this link with people at work?
Hey Ryan, Today (Monday) is Memorial Day here in the USA, so I'm at home on a rainy day reading your blogs. Too bad you didn't go surfing, but I hope you went kayaking yesterday. I'm getting excited to hear about your first day on the road. Later,
I'm a jerk and never wrote you a best of luck e-mail, so how about a best of luck blog comment?
I hope you have an amazing time. Enjoy every single moment of it, but don't forget to take care of yourself too.
There's a cold glass of lemonade waiting for you in Peterborough (and a trip through the Canoe Museum). Looking forward to seeing you.
Pura Vida,
May the road rise up to meet you,
may the wind blow at your back,
and may your bum not be too sore!
Dude you saw sun!!! man I wander what that looks like... if you need to know what rain clouds look like I can for sure tell you....
Let me just say Ry I am super impressed that your going across Canada.. and I'm so jealous... when you get to ottawa we'll go for Gellatos and i'll bike across the city with you... ha ha ha ....
Hey did you buy a new bike to go across canada? and have you met anyone else doing the same thing you are?
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