Wawa - Sault Ste. Marie
Today was a long day. Lots of ground covered and lots of nice scenary.
Ave Speed 23.2km/hr. Max 59.4km/hr. Total Distance 237.17km. Ride Time 10hr 13min.
I got up and packed and was out before Andrew this morning which is a first. Of course, he was purposely sleeping in so it really wasn't much of an accomplishment for me. We are parting ways...again...but I'm sure we'll meet up again somewhere.
I climbed the hill towards Wawa from the campsite and took a picture of my bike and the big goose. It was too early to pick up groceries in Wawa so I had breakfast at the closest diner. French toast.

There were quite a few hills just out of Wawa but other than that the hwys were pretty flat. The scenary was very nice for this part of the ride. It passes though Lake Superior Provincial Park. There are no services on this section of the hwy I had to have lots of water and food. (The food part was difficult because I couldn't get groceries in Wawa, but I made do.)
I stopped for lunch and got more water in Montreal River. There appeared to be only one store/gas station that made up the whole town. (Blink).
I made two stops along my route. Both were suggestions from Pat's family. One: Agawa Bay to see the pictographs. Two: Pancake Bay Provincial Park.
Both were very nice and I got some excellent pictures.
There is quite a big hill about 35 km outside the city. Good times. Quite a climb.
I rolled into Sault Ste Marie and called Ed to get directions to his parent's place. After I nice shower Ed and some of his friends from work grab some food and drinks at Ubetcha (or something like that).
I haven't decided if I will take a rest day here or not. I have done quite a bit of cycling in the past few days. We shall see.
-- At some point I would like to revisit the shores of Superior. I'm sure camping and exploring the area would be very rewarding.
Hey Dong!
Glad to hear you're in Ontario!When do you reckon you're going to be home? Going to take the ferry to Tobermory or around G. Bay?
Look forward to seeing ya soon,
Hi Ryan!
I love reading about your adventures. We stopped at Pancake Bay and Kakabecka Falls on our way to the Rockies - I remember how nice they were. And I'll never forget the giant goose in Wawa! I can't believe how far you have come already when I think about how long it took us to drive through there. Have fun and hopefully we will see you when you are down around Kingston.
You are a sick boy! very sick for pulling all the way from wawa to sault ste marie!
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