Ottawa - Montreal
Ave Speed 26.2km/hr. Total Distance 212km. Ride Time 8hr06min
I started late again! I have to stop doing that. It makes for what feels like really long days. If I had started at 9 it would have been fine. (I arrived in Montreal at 10:21pm)
I did some more sightseeing on the way out of Ottawa. Mostly the same things that I saw last night.

I am staying in downtown Montreal with Jimmy, one of the guys that I met in Jasper. He has got a nice place about 3 blocks from the main road. Last night I called up Mélissa who I met in Regina and we all go together for some food at El Dorado on Mont Royal Ave./St.

It seems nice in Montreal, though I am sure that in the light it will be even nicer.
It is cool how French people do the kiss on either cheek. We were talking about it last night and I was saying how if they did it to my friends it would be weird. So I got the low down on it. You start on the left...two. (In France they do three kisses.) The people's individual personalities decide who starts. It is the other person who then just turns their head waiting for the first, then second kiss. It's very friendly. Like 'y'all', but in a different way.
(It's different using a French keyboard too....èéÉÀàÇç^ǨöÖ)
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