Rest Day in Montreal
I woke up this morning to find a pigeon in the living room with me. It came in through an open window. I had been bothered by their cooing earlier but had just tried to ignore it and never opened my eyes. I guess it was in the room the whole time with me. I am a problem solver so I opened the balcony door and herded it out.
Good times. I don't think that it made a mess anywhere...which surprises me.
Today I will be hanging out with Mélissa as Jimmmy is at work.
I will write more later.
I`m back. I have done quite a bit today.
Mélissa and I met up and walked to Mont Royal.

Then we ate lunch at Just Noodles on la rue Ste Laurent. We kept up the walking and headed for Ste Catherine St. There are tons of sex shops on the way. It`s strange to see them one after another. After, we walked to St. Louis square where there was a nice fountain that we dipped our feet in. Unfortunately Andrew was not with us to carry on the tradition. We also indulged in some fresh cherries.
Jimmy was done work early and gave us a call and we headed to meet him and his friend Mélanie at a restaurant at the corner of de la Commune and Rue Ste. Jacques. (Also called Jacque Cartier Place..I think)
On the way, we walked through Chinatown...which I`m sure that it doesn`t surprise anyone..but smells the same as every other Chinatown.
After lunch....again...we took in the French version of Egypt at the IMAX. I was surprised how much I understood in the movie, though after trying for hard for the entire film I was tired. The film was about rafting the Nile. In my mind it only scratched the surface on each aspect of the trip. Culture. Dangers. The adventurers. Though, I guess if they had gone into more detail I would have understood less.
The film really worked up and appetite so we all went for Ben and Jerry`s.
And what trip to Montreal wouldn`t be complete without a trip to IKEA. Good times.
After such a long day it was nice to relax in the pool and sauna at Jimmy`s place and also take in the view from the roof of his building. I hope my pictures turn out.
Hey Ry
You are making good time and having a good time.
Love your happenings. Coo, Coo.
Southern Belle
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