Shediac - Charlottetown
Ave 25.1km/hr Distance 124.71km. Ride Time 4hr58min.
I had breakfast just outside Shediac. I took the scenic way to the ferry along Hwy 133 and also along 950 and 955.

Murray Beach looked very nice and there was a couple good views of the bridge, but other than that it was pretty uneventful.
You aren't allowed to bike on the Confederation Bridge so I caught the free shuttle and took lots of pictures., but most of the cool views were blocked by the truck ahead of us.

I arrived in PEI in a tourist packed strip mall setting with a really bad singer 'entertaining' people with religious music. I went to the info booth and they recommended that I take the Confederation Bike Trail to Charlottetown. I went for about 2km on the light gravel and gave up. Hwy 1 had some hills, but nothing to really worry about.

Everything on the PEI map is so misleading because the scale is so large. Before you have a chance to relax in the saddle you're in the next town. Mary's directions were very good and I made it their place with no trouble.

Tom, Mary's cousin and Julie, his girlfriend were staying at their place as well. After chatting for a bit we all went out for a spectacular dinner. They had lobster and I had shrimp. Both meals came with an all you can eat 60 foot salad bar. Mmmm.
-My minidisc player stopped working on the road today.
Hey Ryan,
Great picutres. Enjoy.
LOve Southern Belle
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