Rest Day in Charlottetown
I got up this morning and took my bike in for a cleaning and tune-up. I was going to get the brake pads replaced but they said they only needed to be cleaned.
The tune-up went very well. I made sure everything was working properly before I left:)
Then I got a haircut at Ray's barbershop. Good times. I chatted with the woman cutting my hair for much too long.
Mary, Tom, Julie and I toured around the city checking out the sights. (James had classes to go to).

Tom and Julie left for Nova Scotia to continue on their trip and Mary and I had a late lunch at a nice little restaurant called Bean in downtown Charlottetown.
The city is very nice to stroll around, but it is very very small. It seems proportional to the size of the province.
Mary then left on a business trip and I met James back at the house where we had dinner and watched my favourite episode of Law and Order: SVU. (He has the DVDs).
Now, it is the evening and I'm trying to catch up on all my emails and blog updates. Perhaps I will add more pictures now. Hmmm....decisions, decisions.
Sweet, I really enjoyed PEI when I was there... sucks about not being able to bike on the bridge though... have you decided if you're going to bike around Newfoundland, or take the ferry to the east side?
You are really moving!! PEI already..
Sounds like your still having a great time and still meeting some people along the way..
Might see you in Cape Breton :-)
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