Inverness - Pleasant Bay
Ave 17.4km/hr. Ride Time 6hr00min. Distance 104km.
Killer, killer headwind. I took a video of it. The big hills started as you enter the park. They were pretty big and pretty long, but most of the climbs come with great views. Remember that every great view comes with a lookout. The weather was crappy all day. It only rained for an hour total though. I took lots of pics but who knows how they will turn out. I'm staying in the Pleasant Bay hostel. There are quite a few people here so it should be pretty fun. The hills coming into Pleasant Bay were amazing.
My kms today were horrible. I blame it all on the headwind. My average speed was the lowerst ever!!!! Damn headwind.
Hey Ryan,
I am so sorry i am going to miss you when your in my neck of the woods.... I hope all goes well and you enjoy it..
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