Forty Birchy - Notre Dame Provincial Park
Ave 24.6km/hr. Distance 188.94km. Ride Time 7hr41min.
Started at 10am. Ran into Chris and Cheryl again. They were driving back to the ferry after finishing their trip.'s nice to see that there is an end. I don't mean that in a bad way. Newfoundland is so beautiful, but I've been picturing myself standing on the coast, and I'm so excited!!!

I had a nice chat with them and we exchanged blogs. Check it out.
I had a tailwind for 2/3 of the day. The headwind from Southbrook to Badger was killer. Ok scenary. I Camped at Notre Dame Provincial Park. They were full, but they decided to made a spot for me in the group camping area. I met some people from Fenelon Falls and some from St. John's (Colin and Heather).
I like the hills here. Long and not too steep. You can maintain a prett good speed.
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