North Sydney - Ferry - Corner Brook
Ave 23.9km/hr. Max 76.4km/hr. Distance 220km. Ride Time 9hr34min.
I had checked my bags so I picked them up and started out a about 6:30am. Wow, my easliest day yet! I had met some more bikers from Quebec City that had run to the ferry last minute. They were doing a couple day ride on the Island.
The scenary has been amazing. It was hilly in some sectoins, but I had a tailwind to help me along. Starting out so early in the morning is refreshing. Dawn is much more beautiful than sunset.

On the road I also met two other German bikers doing the Island in about 2 weeks.

I think I got to Corner Brook around 7pm but I don't really remember. I inquired about camping at the info booth but there was nothing that was in biking distance. I had to stay close to town because I wanted to get my brakes fixed and biking 10km down the road didn't make sense. I decided to crash in a park on the outside of town. I wanted to hear some music downtown in the evening so I decided to get cleaned up by swimming at a local beach. After changing out of my biking shorts I noticed a huge worn spot on them. You could totally see my ass! I wonder how long it's been like that. While I was getting in the water I got lots of funny looks so I imagine that it was like that at least for today. Good times. (It's a good thing that I bought a second pair in Antigonish. They will come in handy tomorrow.)

After inquiring about live music I headed downtown. I visited a couple of places that people had recommended, but no luck on the music. While I was looking I passed by a small bed and breakfast called The Tucked Inn and decided to inquire about prices.
Upon knocking I was greeted by Darryl, the new owner. After thinking for a moment he said that he would find a way to get be a bed even though they were full. The rest of the guest were just finishing up their dinner and I was invited to join. Darryl had made Seafood chowder and bbq'd corn. It was amazing and I had a great time talking with all the other guest who were mostly travelling on their motorcycles.
I can't even say enough about the hospitality at this place. It was incredible. They also helped me to locate the bike store in town. I'm sure I will have a good sleep tonight.
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