Notre Dame - Clarenville
Ave 19.5km/hr. Distance 192.04km. Ride Time 9hr50min.
The wind was they same direction as yesterday, so I had a tailwind for the first bit, buy then crazy headwind the rest of the day. The scenary wasn't special today. I love Newfoundland, but dinfinitely nothing picture worthy that would turn out nicely. After Gander it was very hilly.

Long ups and downs that never stopped. Like norther Ontario, but not as steep. Terre Nova Park was nothing spectacular, but I'm sure it would be beautiful if you venture off the hwy. In the park I was climbing a hilll and at the top I saw a car waiting for me. It was Mitch and Reid whom I had met at the ferry dock in North Sydney. They are now stationed in Quebec and on a vacation. They gave me a chocolate bar and told me to hive them a call in St. John's. Some people are so friendly.
I'm camped in a beautiful spto just off the Hwy before Clarenville, atop a hill overlooking a dark green valley. I should have done more random camping like this.
So...St. John's tomorrow. I'm so excited. I called Laurene to see if she will be able to meet me. It looks like it's a go. I can't believe that the trip will be over...
I will compile my pictures and relive it when I get back to Guelph.I will have to think of something meaningful to say when I reach Cape Spear, like they do when the shuttle lands.
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