I made it!!!
The journey into town was uneventful except for the hills coming south on the hwy and the fog for the first half of the day. The fog was definitely some of the most mentally challenging riding that I've had to do on the whole trip. I was biking in hills and a headwind at the time, and you can't see where you are headed or where you have been or if you are going up or down a hill.

I felt so lost. The time passed so slowly.
I finally made it out of the fog and started east for St. John's. The hills where more tame along this route and the wind was on my back/side.
I called Laurene and we agreed to meet a Cape Spear, the most easterly point in Canada. The trip into St. John's was very nice and there were some excellent views of the city. I will take pictures of them another day.
There were some difficult hills leading to Cape Spear. Especially after such a long day. Halfway up there was a sign for me that Laurene and Christa had made encouraging me on.
When I got to the top, they had a painted banner for me.....

........and some juice and treats.
Such a nice reception!!!!

I will be staying with Christa and her boyfriend Rick. It will be nice staying in a real house. I have spent the 10 days on the road since my last day off.
I will write more about this day..but I don't have the time right now. I want to make a few notes about some of the things I have not included...yet....in my blog.
- Visting Alison in Winnipeg (who I hadn't seen in 4 or 5 years) was awesome. We relaxed and hung out and did some touristy stuff in the town and went to the beach...and to the horse races....and I got to meet her family.
- When I visit Guelph I got to have ice cream with Doug and Erin...went to dinner with Amanda and Sara and had a BBQ with my housemates. I also got sick one day and was on the couch in front of the TV the whole time.
- I got an amazing welcome into Kingston. I told Meg which route I would be taking into town and she wrote me a nice welcoming message on the shoulder of the road. (I will post pictures shortly.) It was much nicer than the cream soda incident.
- The ferry to Newfoundland was good. I slept most of the way and am glad that I was able to fall asleep after I woke up to the heaving of the ship.
- Newfoundland was awesome. The people are so nice and the scenary is spectacular. There are so many things that I missed along with way that I will return to see.
I have no deep thoughts to end my trip. Well, I guess this isn't really the end of my trip. I may be done biking, but there are still lots of new things happening in the next little while that the adventures will continue.
I'm excited for school come September and I may have to move in the near future.
Thank you everyone for your support along the way. Knowing that people read my blog made all the difference and all the comments made me feels so close to all of you.
I will continue to post entries and pictures until it's complete and I've returned to Guelph (probably even after I'm in Guelph), so please check back for the full version.
Tak'er easy,